The ClarisWorks 4.0 to 2.x/3.0 File Converter enables users of the ClarisWorks® 4.0 application to share their documents with earlier versions of ClarisWorks. ClarisWorks 2.0, 2.1, and 3.0 cannot directly open files created by ClarisWorks 4.0; the File Converter can change ClarisWorks 4.0 files to the format read by ClarisWorks 2.0, 2.1, or 3.0, which all share the same file format. This document explains how to use the File Converter and how features unique to version 4.0 are converted to the 2.x/3.0 file format. ClarisWorks 2.0, 2.1, and 3.0 use a common file format. This is referred to as the 2.x/3.0 file format.
The File Converter is a separate application and does not require any version of ClarisWorks to be on your computer. The File Converter runs on any Macintosh on which ClarisWorks 2.x/3.0 can run, i.e., 68000 (that is, Macintosh Plus, SE, Classic, PowerBook 100, etc.) or higher Macintosh and Power Macintosh computers.
Important Note: The File Converter adds the suffix “[v3.0]” to the filename of converted files (documents); for example, "MyLetter" becomes "MyLetter [v3.0]". The original ClarisWorks 4.0 file remains unchanged and intact. ** It is always a safe practice to make a backup copy of each file that you want to convert, and to work with the copy.
The File Converter is installed by selecting it from the Custom Install list when running the Installer from either the ClarisWorks 4.0v2 installation disks or the ClarisWorks 4.0v2 Update disk.
Use these steps ONLY if you are installing the File Converter from a stand-alone File Converter disk (available separately):
1. Insert the File Converter disk into the 3.5-inch disk drive and double-click the disk icon to open it.
2. Drag the application from the File Converter disk to a folder on your computer.
Use Method I if you’re using System 7.0 or later. (If you want to specify the names or location of the converted files, or if you’re using System 6.0, use the directions under CONVERTING FILES--METHOD II.)
1. Click to select the ClarisWorks 4.0 file you want to convert. Shift-click to select multiple files.
2. Drag the selected files to the File Converter icon and release the mouse button when the Converter icon becomes shaded.
The File Converter converts the files to 2.x/3.0 format and saves them in the same folder as the original files. The File Converter adds “[v3.0]” to the end of the filename.
Use Method II if you’re using System 6.0, or if you want to specify the names or locations of the converted files.
1. Double-click the File Converter icon.
2. In the Open dialog box, select the ClarisWorks 4.0 file you want to convert, and then click Open to initiate the conversion.
3. In the Save As dialog box, enter a name and choose a folder for the converted file, and then click Save.
4. To convert another file, choose Convert from the File menu, and repeat steps 2 and 3.
Several ClarisWorks 4.0 features, such as sections in word-processing files and pop-up fields in databases, were not available in ClarisWorks 2.0, 2.1, and 3.0. The converted documents may need to be reformatted so that they display and print correctly. Refer to the following list for specific details on how the File Converter converts ClarisWorks 4.0 features.
All Environments:
• New shortcuts and macros are not supported.
• Superior and Inferior font styles become Superscript and Subscript font styles.
• Double underline font style becomes single underline font style.
• Paragraph styles: Text, paragraph, and line spacing attributes are retained.
• Outline styles: Text, paragraph, and line spacing attributes are retained in non-outline view; labels are retained in outline view.
• Table styles: All attributes except color border and cell shading are retained.
• Basic styles: All attributes are retained.
• Auto-hyphenation is turned off in the converted document.
Word Processing:
• Section formatting: Attributes of the first section are applied to the entire document.
• Section breaks become Page/Column breaks.
• Section number-page count becomes a document page number.
• Document page count becomes a document page number.
• Endnotes become footnotes.
• Left and right headers and footers become left headers and footers.
• Mirrored facing pages: The inside margin becomes the left margin and the outside margin becomes the right margin.
• Left/Right facing pages are not supported.
• Mail merge fields are replaced with a "#" as a place holder.
• Paragraph labels are displayed only when the document is in outline view.
• The alignment of inline equations (created by EGO-aware editors) may change.
• Colors and patterns applied to cells are not supported.
• Colored cell borders become black cell borders.
• Fill Special: Cells filled using the Fill Special command retain their data.
• BaseToNum and NumToBase functions: Cells containing the results of BaseToNum and NumToBase functions retain their values.
• Rotated objects are rotated to nearest 90 degree angle.
• Fill patterns and gradients applied to text frames become opaque.
• List view and saved searches, sorts, and reports are not supported.
• Radio Buttons and Popup Menu field types are retained as Text fields with a value list.
• Value List fields are retained as Text fields with a value list.
• Check Box fields become Number fields. The number is 0 if the field was unchecked and 1 if the field was checked.
• Serial Number fields become Number fields set up for serial number entry.
• Name fields become Text fields; any data is retained.
• Record Info fields: If the field options were set to Date Created or Date Last Modified, the field becomes a Date field. If the field options were set to Time Created or Time Last Modified, the field becomes a Time field. If the field options were set to Name of Creator or Name of Modifier, the field becomes a Text field.
ClarisWorks is a registered trademark of Claris Corporation.
Macintosh and Classic are registered trademarks and PowerBook is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.